Reaction of Metals with Acids and Bases

Concept Explanation

Reaction of Metals with Acids and Bases

 Reaction of Acids with Metals:

Dilute acids (like HCl, H_2SO_4 but not HNO_3) react with certain active metals like Zn, Fe to evolve H_2gas. Thus, these acids or substances containing these kind of acids should not be kept in metal containers.         

  Metal + Dilute Acid rightarrowSalt + H_2

 Reaction of Acids with Metal Carbonate and Hydrogen Carbonate:

limestone, chalk and marble are different forms of calcium carbonate. Acids react with metal carbonates and hydrogen carbonates to produce corresponding salt, carbon dioxide and water.

Metal carbonate/ hydrogen carbonate + Acid rightarrow Salt + CO_2 + H_2O

Reaction of Acids With Metal Oxides:

Acids react with certain metal oxides (basic oxides) to form salt and water.

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Sample Questions
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Question : 1

Which of the following are correct :

(a) Strong bases react with active metals to produce hydrogen gas.

(b) Sodium oxide reacts with hydrochloric acid to form Sodium chloride.

(c) When CO_2 gas is passed through lime water, it turns milky due to formation of white precipitate of CaCO_3.

Right Option : D
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Question : 2

Which gas will be evolved when metal is reacted with some mineral acid?

Right Option : A
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Question : 3

Which of the following are correct :

(a) Dilute acids (like HCl, H_2SO_4 but not HNO_3) react with certain active metals like Zn, Fe to evolve H_2gas.

(b) Limestone, chalk and marble are different forms of calcium carbonate.

(c) Acids react with certain metal oxides (basic oxides) to form salt and water.

Right Option : D
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